Thursday, October 15, 2009

Breaking The News!

Well, it's official! I'm knocked up! It all started on Tuesday night. Addam and I had planned on going to Outback to celebrate our 4 month wedding anniversary (cheesy, I know). I decided to test "just in case" so I could enjoy a guilt free glass of wine. As soon as it crossed the test panel, the plus sign was unmistakable! Addam got home about an hour after I took the test. I asked him if he wanted a present before we went out to dinner and handed him the test. He hugged and kissed me. Then must have asked "Are you serious?!" "Are you sure?!" like 5 times.

He was so cute at dinner, he started worrying about how to pay for everything, how to save more, that may be we should buy a smaller house. Silly husband! He is over protective all ready! We are so cautiously excited!