How far along? 35 weeks pregnant, 35 days until my due date- Wahoo! Almost there!
Total weight gain/loss: I was going to stop answering this question, but oh well. I'm up about 37 pounds. Everyone keeps telling me I'm "all baby". If you poke my tummy, you'd probably believe that- it's hard as a rock! Just don't poke my butt! :)
Stretch marks? Thankfully- still none! Which is amazing because I feel huge!
Sleep: It's hard to get a "good" nights sleep when you're up ever 2 hours to pee. But over all, I guess it could be worse.
Best moment this week: This week was very productive. We made our last big trip to Babies R Us and got everything else we needed from the registry, we chose a pediatrician, installed the car seat base into my Jeep, washed all her clothes and blankets, and Addam put together the swing! We are so ready to have our little girl!
Movement: She is so strong now! I swear sometimes I think she's trying to exit via Alien style from my belly button! She has also recently found my ribs and unfortunately does not realize these are not her new toy. She is very active but I can't complain, I love knowing she's healthy!
Food cravings: No crazy cravings, I'm just a bottomless pit. I can't eat a whole lot in one sitting because I run out of room but give me another 2 hours and I'll be starving again!!
Gender: GIRL! Her name is Aubrey Morgan Lewis.
Labor Signs: None yet, but soon hopefully! I am considered "full term" at 37 weeks, that's only 2 weeks away. And anytime she is ready to come after 37 weeks, mama will be ready! :)
Belly Button in or out? Amazingly, still in! Hopefully it stays that way!
What I miss: My wedding bands :( They have been tight for a few weeks but Saturday night I could barely get them off. Today is my first day at work without them and I feel like my hand is naked!
What I am looking forward to: Meeting Aubrey!
Milestones: Next week we have a growth ultrasound to find out a guess on how big she will be! I can't wait to find out!
Milestones: Next week we have a growth ultrasound to find out a guess on how big she will be! I can't wait to find out!
yay!!! there is talk of "Where is Anna?!" so Im happy to see this update!