How far along? 24 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: Do I still have to answer this question? Um, I'm probably up almost 20 pounds now. I haven't weighed myself in a few days. Dr's appointment is tomorrow and I'll get an official update. I don't know how much longer I'll be answering this question. :)
Stretch marks? None. I've been using Palmer's Tummy Butter and hopefully it will stay that way!
Sleep: I did get my Snoogle for Valentine's Day! This is pretty much this best friend a pregnant woman can have. Sleeping still isn't the same as a good night's sleep on my stomach but it's way better than usual. I will definitely be recommending it to any friends that get pregnant!
Best moment this week: Last weekend Addam felt her kick for the first time! Now he can feel her almost every day. It's amazing how much stronger she has gotten. I can even look down at my stomach and see her kick from the outside. Weird!
Movement: See above :)
Food cravings: My sweet tooth is back in full effect! I went to the grocery last weekend and got Breyer's Reese's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream and chocolate and peanut butter topping. It was ridiculous!
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None at all and hopefully not for a long time!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: I have been wearing my high heels less and less as time goes by. I still wear them about 2 times a week to work but other than that, it's comfy flats for me.
What I am looking forward to: Spring! It's been such a cold, snowy winter and I'm over it. Spring also makes it feel so much closer to June 21 when we meet her.
Weekly Wisdom: Stay hydrated! I feel so much better when I drink enough water.
Milestones: We have a name! Her name will be Aubrey Morgan Lewis. AML- just like mommy and daddy!
Things are coming along beautifully, as are you.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy the blog, it was a great idea.
Love and Kisses, GrandMa