Our nursery is almost finished! I thought I'd post pictures of each wall in progress! We have the crib, changing table, and hutch put together. I'll post more finished pictures soon! This is the first wall in progress. These shelves will go into the new walk in closet (hopefully this weekend!).

The shelves still need to go into the closet. I think this is a great picture of the wall color. It's a soft green. I forgot to take pictures before we started moving in furniture- oops!
Here is the right side wall where the crib goes now. Before with small half closet door made for oompa loompas:
Dry Wall:
Look how big it looks!!! I can't believe what a change it made. This is going to be my favorite room in the house!
Window wall before: Can you tell we just moved in when I took this picture? :) It was the only room in the house that didn't have furniture!
In progress with dry wall against the window:
Finished! With the box the the hutch was in leaning against the window.
Side wall as we were testing out paint colors: It took 6 test colors from Lowe's and we didn't like any of them! We went to Wal Mart and just bought a gallon and LOVE the color we chose!
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