So, I got bored at work this afternoon- it finally slowed down after a crazy day yesterday- and decided to take a picture! It's in the work bathroom so you'll have to excuse the "do-it-yourself" picture. I'll make Addam take some this weekend! So here's my picture and an updated survey:
How far along? 13 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: Probably around 3-5 lbs depending on the time of day I weigh in. Still the same- thank goodness!
Stretch marks? None! Hopefully it will stay that way!
Sleep: I'm still sleeping pretty well with lots of pillows.
Best moment this week: It's Friday so that's pretty exciting. Other than that, nothing too eventful.
Movement: No baby movement yet but I can feel muscle twitches every so often. They are way too high at this point to be baby so I think it's just everything getting moved around.
Food cravings: Eggrolls from the new Thai place Addam found. Mmmm, I swear they are the best eggrolls ever!
Gender: We'll either find out Jan 5th or Feb 3rd! The sooner the better!!
Labor Signs: None at all and hopefully not for a long time!- Same.
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Pants that fit! I haven't bought many pairs of maternity pants yet and my normal pants are so uncomfortable. Looks like it's time to go shopping!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender. Now that it's only a few weeks away, I can't wait!!!!
I'm feeling offended by the eggroll comment!!