Wednesday, November 4, 2009

7 weeks+

Well, today I'm at 7 weeks 2 days. All the books say that the symptoms should be in full effect by now. I've been lucky so far. Other than some mild fatigue and feeling incredibly bloated, I have nothing else to show. Addam may comment on pregnancy hormones, but not very often if he knows what's good for him! :) No morning sickness yet! I'm really hoping to be part of the 25% that never gets it. Fingers crossed! Our next appointment is a week from today. I will feel so much better after we get to see the heartbeat!

Things are really coming along with the house. We have all the paperwork turned in to our lender and we've locked in our rate. Our house inspection is scheduled for Saturday at 10:00 am. We're hoping to be in the house before Thanksgiving but that will be cutting it close.

1 comment:

  1. This Grandma will pray that you don't get morning sickness,
    And is Addam going to cook for you for Thanksgiving , or are you going to Cheryl's?
