In the box...

Dad in progess...

How far along? 29 weeks 3 daysTotal weight gain/loss: Um, yeah, I think it's about time I stop answering this question. I can say it's still below the recommend 35 lbs but I'm not feeling very confident about making it another 10 weeks within that range. :)
Stretch marks? None yet but she's been growing so quickly these days I'm just waiting for my first one.
Sleep: Not too shabby. I still get up a few times a night but I think that's expected. My Snoggle is still the best thing that ever happened to me! I will recommend it to any of my friends that get pregnant.
Best moment this week: I guess from the pictures above, it's getting our stroller. I can already picture our summer walks with our little girl. :)
Movement: She is getting stronger every day. The kicks don't hurt yet but they are starting to getting a little uncomfortable. The doctor says this week I'm supposed to start doing kick counts and make sure I feel she move, kick, or turn at least 10 times in 2 hours at least twice a day. Luckily, she's been pretty active so I don't have to lay there the whole 2 hours. I can get up anytime after I get to 10.
What I am looking forward to: Um, is it wrong for me to say maternity leave?? LOL I am definitely over working right now. I can't wait to have some time off to spend taking care of my little girl and her daddy too!
Ready for a walk!
With the finished product. He really didn't want to take this picture! Haha!

How far along? 29 weeks 3 daysTotal weight gain/loss: Um, yeah, I think it's about time I stop answering this question. I can say it's still below the recommend 35 lbs but I'm not feeling very confident about making it another 10 weeks within that range. :)
Stretch marks? None yet but she's been growing so quickly these days I'm just waiting for my first one.
Sleep: Not too shabby. I still get up a few times a night but I think that's expected. My Snoggle is still the best thing that ever happened to me! I will recommend it to any of my friends that get pregnant.
Best moment this week: I guess from the pictures above, it's getting our stroller. I can already picture our summer walks with our little girl. :)
Movement: She is getting stronger every day. The kicks don't hurt yet but they are starting to getting a little uncomfortable. The doctor says this week I'm supposed to start doing kick counts and make sure I feel she move, kick, or turn at least 10 times in 2 hours at least twice a day. Luckily, she's been pretty active so I don't have to lay there the whole 2 hours. I can get up anytime after I get to 10.
Food cravings: Still nothing crazy like pickles and ice cream. Usually it's just ice cream. :) May be that's why I stopped weighing myself everyday. LOL
Gender: GIRL! Her name is Aubrey Morgan Lewis.
Labor Signs: None at all and hopefully not for a long time! I think I felt my first Braxton Hicks last night but they weren't painful at all. Actually, if I hadn't had my hand on my tummy I wouldn't have even noticed it.
Belly Button in or out? In, but really it's just kind of flat at this point.
What I miss: Well, I'm starting to get uncomfortable. It's not too bad but it definitely makes the days a little longer at work and I put off cleaning the bathrooms more often. :) I miss just being mobile.
What I am looking forward to: Um, is it wrong for me to say maternity leave?? LOL I am definitely over working right now. I can't wait to have some time off to spend taking care of my little girl and her daddy too!
Milestones: At our doctor's appointment this week we moved to visits every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks. It makes it feel so much closer to the end!